
a Horsepower Brands company

Blingle is a business which specializes in commercial and residential holiday lighting, installation, maintenance and storage.

Category: Home Improvement

Concept Description

Step into the radiant world of outdoor lighting with Blingle, where brilliance meets opportunity! As a prospective franchisee, you hold the key to illuminating your community’s nights and your own future success. With Blingle, you’re not just starting a business; you’re igniting a passion for creating breathtaking outdoor spaces that leave lasting impressions.

At Blingle, our guiding lights lead the way. Our mission? To transform ordinary nights into extraordinary experiences through state-of-the-art designs and products. Picture yourself crafting dazzling displays that enchant homeowners and businesses alike, elevating holidays, events, patios, and outdoor settings to new heights of beauty and ambiance.

But what sets Blingle apart? It’s more than just exceptional lighting; it’s the comprehensive support system that accompanies our franchise opportunity. Backed by HorsePower Brands and a network of successful franchise owners nationwide, you’ll receive top-notch training, resources, and ongoing guidance to ensure your business shines brightly from day one.

Why choose Blingle? The reasons are as bright as our lights! With a nationwide call center handling inquiries, access to cutting-edge technology, and robust marketing support, you’ll have the tools and strategies to attract and delight clients effortlessly. Plus, our supportive community of fellow franchisees means you’re never alone on your journey to success.

Ready to ignite your career and brighten your community’s nights? With Blingle, you’ll have world-class business tools at your fingertips, a tested marketing strategy to fuel your growth, and a wide range of outdoor lighting services to meet diverse client needs. From opening day to expansion, our unwavering support ensures you’re never in the dark.

Unit Option

Single, Multiple


FDD Franchised Units: 36

Corporate Owned Units: 1

Projected New Units: 18

Year Established: 2020

First Year Franchised: 2021

Type of Business: Franchise

Number of Employees: Small (1-5)


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Not Available

Territories: United States


Liquidity: $100,000

*Investment Range: $177,395 - $243,495

Minimum Net Worth: $250,001, to $500,000

Franchise Fee: $59,500

Royalty: $1,500 monthly

Royalty Description: Flat-rate Royalty fee based on total number of Protected Territories and total years in operation

Advertising: Local: we do not require you to allocate any money towards locally marketing or advertising your Blingle! Franchised Business within your Protected Territory.

National Advertising: Not currently required

Training, Support and Assistance

Co-Operative Advertising: N/A

Site Selection Assistance: N/A

Lease Negotiation Assistance: N/A

Length of Training: 48 hours

Financing Assistance: N/A

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Presented By:

Rich Potter

Quantum Franchise Group

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