Gatsby Glass

a Horsepower Brands company

Gatsby Glass is a business that specializes in commercial and residential glass installation products and services.

Categories: Business Services, Home Improvement

Concept Description

Welcome to Gatsby Glass, where sophistication meets innovation, and excellence is our standard. As a Gatsby Glass franchisee, you’ll step into a world of unparalleled opportunity, backed by a proven track record of success and supported by a network of franchising experts at Horsepower Brands.

What sets Gatsby Glass apart? It’s our unique blend of nationwide access to top vendors coupled with local ownership and operation. This means personalized attention to each project site alongside a diverse range of high-quality products. With Gatsby Glass, you’re not just joining a franchise; you’re becoming part of a legacy of prompt service, excellent customer experience, and quality installations.

Our mission is simple: to uphold our reputation for superior communication, professionalism, and customer satisfaction in every franchise location we open. We provide best-in-class operational training, continuous process optimization, and support to ensure that every lead receives the attention and quality they deserve – that’s the Gatsby Glass way!

So, what makes our glass franchise different? Our sophisticated and recognizable branding sets you apart in a competitive market. You’ll benefit from expert guidance, personalized support, and a profitable turnkey model designed for sustainable growth. With cutting-edge technology and a holistic approach to customer experience, you’ll stay ahead of the curve while building lasting relationships with clients and community alike.

Unit Option

Single, Multiple


FDD Franchised Units: 16

Corporate Owned Units: 1

Projected New Units: 80

Year Established: 2020

First Year Franchised: 2020

Type of Business: Franchise

Number of Employees: Small (1-5)


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Not Available

Territories: United States


Liquidity: $100,000

*Investment Range: $400,000 - $500,000

**Average Investment: $400,000 - $500,000
Provided by the Franchisor

Minimum Net Worth: $500,001 to $750,000

6 Month Cash: $75,001

Franchise Fee: $59,500

Royalty: 5%

Royalty Description: Once Zee bills & collects 500k in revenue, royalty goes to 4% Once Zee bills & collects 1Mil in revenue, royalty goes to 3%

Advertising: Local: the greater of either: (i) $2,000 per month; or (ii) 5% of your monthly Gross RevenuesCollected, on Local Advertising Expenditure Requirement

National Advertising: Not currently required.

Available Discounts

  • Veterans

Discount Description: 10% off 1st Territory Fee $59500 = $5900 saved

Training, Support and Assistance

Co-Operative Advertising: N/A

Site Selection Assistance: N/A

Lease Negotiation Assistance: N/A

Length of Training: 48 hours

Financing Assistance: N/A

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Presented By:

Rich Potter

Quantum Franchise Group

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