Hello Sugar LLC

Hello Sugar is a business that features services relating to waxing, sugaring, and other related products and services

Category: Beauty & Spa

Concept Description

With Hello Sugar, you’re in for a treat with our unique approach that sets us apart from the competition.

Imagine opening a salon suite, incubating it for a year, and then transforming it into a mature, profitable flagship location when the time is right. That’s our game-changing strategy, drastically lowering your risk while skyrocketing profitability. While others gamble with costly flagships, we ensure success through calculated steps.

But it’s not just about risk reduction; it’s about driving growth. With our best-in-class advertising, we’re not just pushing leads to your salon; we’re propelling your clientele and membership growth to new heights. Our track record speaks volumes: the average franchisee owns 2.2 salons, and 100% of them are eager to expand further. The success stories are real, and they can be yours too.

Worried about startup costs? Don’t be. Our turnkey solution automates the bulk of business processes, lightening your workload and accelerating your salon’s launch. From top-notch technology for reception and marketing to dedicated support teams for HR, recruiting, and advertising, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. Your salon could be up and running within three months, and we’re in this journey together.

And here’s the best part: you don’t need prior waxing expertise to thrive. Our world-class training and automation system empower you to focus on what matters—your people. Professional trainers will come to your location, ensuring your staff are the best in the industry. But it doesn’t end there; we provide continued education and yearly certifications for all staff members, ensuring excellence is a constant.

At Hello Sugar, it’s more than just waxing—it’s a promise of success, supported by cutting-edge lead generation, world-class training, and off-site reception services!

Unit Option

Single, Multiple


FDD Franchised Units: 58

Corporate Owned Units: 15

Projected New Units: 13

Year Established: 2015

First Year Franchised: 2021

Type of Business: Franchise

Number of Employees: Small (1-5)


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Not Available

Territories: United States


Liquidity: $150,000

*Investment Range: $269,361 - $614,850

**Average Investment: $350,000 - $450,000
Provided by the Franchisor

Minimum Net Worth: $500,001 to $750,000

6 Month Cash: $75,001

Franchise Fee: $50,000

Royalty: 6%

Royalty Description: 6% of monthly Gross Revenue.

Advertising: Local: Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) per month on advertising for the Franchised Business in your Territory.

National Advertising: Once established, up to two percent (2%) of monthly Gross Revenue.

Passive Ownership: Semi- passive after 1 year
Passive Ownership means the owner is working 15 hours or less per week in the business.

Training, Support and Assistance

Co-Operative Advertising: N/A

Site Selection Assistance: Available

Lease Negotiation Assistance: Available

Length of Training: 57 - 99 hours

Operational and Marketing Tools:

Our new client acquisition strategy leverages the freemium model, attracting clients by offering a free service with high perceived value at minimal operational cost. During the booking process, we build rapport and strategically upsell them to higher-priced services at promotional rates. Additionally, we directly advertise the upsell service in cases where acquisition costs are competitive relative to the freemium approach. Once clients experience our offerings firsthand, we create long-term value through our monthly membership and loyalty programs.

Financing Assistance: Available

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Presented By:

Rich Potter

Quantum Franchise Group

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