Mighty Dog Roofing

a Horsepower Brands company

Mighty Dog Roofing is a business that offers and sells roofing services tocommercial and residential customers.

Categories: Business Services, Home Improvement, Maintenance & Repair

Concept Description

At Mighty Dog Roofing, we’re not just another roofing company. We’re customer-service-obsessed, dedicated to delivering premium roofing and exterior services that homeowners can trust. Backed by our strong reputation, premium partnerships with leading manufacturers, and a team of experienced professionals, you’ll have the support you need to succeed.

As a Mighty Dog Roofing franchise owner, you’ll enjoy a turnkey and low-cost business model designed for high returns. With an investment ranging from $200K to $303K, you can leverage the $393 billion home improvement industry and establish your presence in a fragmented market with a reputable brand.

Even in times of uncertainty, like COVID and recessions, the home improvement market remains resilient. By joining Mighty Dog Roofing, you’ll benefit from stability and growth opportunities, guided by dynamic leaders and a supportive team.

But our franchise opportunity offers more than just financial success. It’s about becoming a trusted partner in your community, offering peace of mind to homeowners and businesses through top-notch roofing services and comprehensive exterior solutions. And with ongoing training, support, marketing, and lead generation provided by HorsePower Brands, you’ll have everything you need to stand out from the competition.

Unit Option

Single, Multiple


FDD Franchised Units: 103

Corporate Owned Units: 0

Projected New Units: 18

Year Established: 2020

First Year Franchised: 2020

Type of Business: Franchise

Number of Employees: Small (1-5)


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Not Available

Territories: United States


Liquidity: $100,000

*Investment Range: $183,904 - $235,904

Minimum Net Worth: $100,001 to $250,000

Franchise Fee: $59,500

Royalty: 8.5%

Royalty Description: The greater of (i) 8.5 % of Gross Revenues Collected; or (ii) the Minimum Royalty Fee.

Advertising: Local: after the first ninety (90) days of operations of your Mighty Dog Roofing Business, and for the remainder of the term of the Franchise Agreement, you must spend the greater of (i) $2,000 per month, or (ii) 5% of monthly Gross Revenue Collected on Local Advertising Expenditures within your Protected Territory.

National Advertising: Not currently required.

Training, Support and Assistance

Co-Operative Advertising: N/A

Site Selection Assistance: N/A

Lease Negotiation Assistance: N/A

Length of Training: 48 hours

Financing Assistance: N/A

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Presented By:

Rich Potter

Quantum Franchise Group

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